
Practitioner of Classic Homeopathy medl. FNM RAB Maj-Britt Brusati

Natural healing with Homeopathy

Some of my areas are: Improving natural fertility and resolving hormonal imbalance issues, resolving problems with recurring ear, nose and throat infections and recurring lower respiratory tract infections 

I offer online consultations internationally.

Your personalised homeopathic prescription can  be ordered in your local pharmacy or online.

Practitioner of Classical Hahnemannian Homeopathy

I use homeopathic medicine to help you who want to be healthy in a more natural way. Homeopathy is a system of treatment that can relieve and treat physical, emotional and mental ailments. I help people with: hormonal imbalance, low immune system, stomach and intestinal problems, insomnia, depression, prolonged grief, anxiety, eczema and inflammation.

Under Reviews you can read, about a woman who got help for her depression and low self-esteem, a man who got rid of his sinus pains, a woman who got help for her migraines and a mother who got help for both physical and emotional issues for herself as well as for her son. Now she prefers homeopathy to any other treatment. During the consultation you will experience an approach to health and disease that goes deeper and further than most conventional treatment.

About me

I started my practice in 2010, after having graduated as a classical homeopath.
I am a member of the Danish association of Homeopaths (Forenede Naturmedicinere) and a registered homeopath. (RAB)
I was chairman of the board in the association of Classical Homeopaths in Denmark for 4 years.

Born in 1970

Client Reviews

Find few reviews in English - most of them are in Danish

Depression ifm. overgangsalder

Jeg var begyndt at have flere og flere “sorte” dage mht. mit humør. De havde altid været der, men var blevet værre her i forbindelse med overgangsalderen, det generede mig så meget, at jeg ville gøre noget ved det. Jeg opsøgte Maj-Britt, fordi et andet familiemedlem allerede var blevet hjulpet af he…

Gentagne herpesinfektioner afhjulpet med homøopati

Med Mai-Britts hjælp har jeg fået et styrket immunforsvar og god balance i kroppen, denne behandling er det bedste jeg nogensinde har oplevet på krop og sjæl.

Jeg får yderst professionel hjælp

Dette indlæg har taget mig meget lang tid at komme til at skrive, mest fordi jeg ikke har kunnet finde ord der rummer hvor meget homøopat Maj-Britt Brusati har hjulpet mig og min søn. I stedet vil jeg udtrykke en enorm taknemmelighed for hvordan hun på yderst professionel vis kombineret med hendes…

Migræne afhjulpet med homøopati

Kære Majbritt. Du har givet mig livet tilbage!!! Jeg har haft migræne siden jeg var teenager og i den sidste tid, inden jeg kom til dig, har jeg haft anfald hver dag. Jeg har været hos dig 3 gange og min migræne er næsten helt væk!!! Jeg får sjældent anfald nu og de varer kun et par minutter hvor d…

Fik hjælp til pludselig opstået sygdom

Jeg kan varmt anbefale Maj-Britt Brusati som er top professionel og meget grundig , hvilket gør at man får præcis det hømopatiske medicin man skal bruge For et par uger siden blev jeg meget syg og blev helbredt i løbet en lille uge og min hund har også fået hjælp af hende og fik det meget bedre på…

A homeopathic consultation explained

In my consultation you will experience an approach to health and disease that goes much further than most conventional treatment.

First part of the consultation I listen to your story. We will talk about your complaint, how you feel and your thoughts about your condition. Then I'll ask more specific questions about the development and character of your symptoms. As a homeopath I valuate your health problem in a context where how your complaint affects you as a whole person is equally important as the specific disease symptoms. This thorough questioning serves for me to understand both you as a person and the the dynamics of your disease and then through my knowledge of the dynamics of the homeopathic remedies be able to choose the specific remedies that mach your specific symptom picture. The aim is to trigger your body's own healing responses and thus creating a lasting cure or relief. The first consultation lasts up to two hours or more. Follow up consultation last up to one hour.

Homeopathy for depression

Depression is a long-term state of mind that must be treated with the necessary therapeutic knowledge and treated with consideration for your specific issues. Perhaps you are already being treated by a psychologist or psychiatrist and receiving medication, but I can probably still help you with homeopathy.
I have extensive experience in helping people with grief, anxiety and depression. Homeopathy is one of the few natural forms of treatment that really has something to offer in the area, it can strengthen and balance the nervous system and reduce unwanted thoughts so that the mind can find peace again.

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Homeopathy for sport injuries

Athletes love homeopathy
Football players, gymnasts and other sportsmen experience sprains, strains, overexertion and blows more often than other people do, and can therefore suffer from chronic pain. Homeopathy helps the body to heal injuries in different types of tissues and structures faster. I am giving you a regimen designed to heal the area you are injured. I help athletes with pain after old injuries. Are you in pain? Call or write for information about homeopathy for you.

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Repeated infections

Low immunity and repeated infections.

This is Lena's story
She was sick several times a month with sore throat fever and earache from the slightest cold or draft. Very hampered in regards to studies and work as she had sick days every single month. After the homeopathic treatment, which was repeated once in a while, she has not been ill. During the years Lena has sent many friends and acquaintances.

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Ask me a question

or book a consultation.

Personal information registered at my clinic is not whatsoever sold or made available to third parties. All information is only available to me, Homeopath Maj-Britt Brusati.


Homøopati mod inkontinens hos hunde

Olivia 15 var år gammel og led af inkontinens, det er usædvanligt for en 15 årig at lide af inkontinens, men ikke hvis man er en cockerspaniel, det var nemlig sådan det var. Olivia var en brun cocker spaniel godt oppe i årene og hendes ejer var ked a…

Lavt immunforsvar

Syg flere gange om måneden med ondt i halsen feber og ondt i ørerne fra den mindste kulde eller træk. Meget hæmmede i fht studie og arbejde da hun havde sygedage hver eneste måned. Efter den homøopatiske behandling, som gentages en gang imellem, har…

Smerter fra mavesår behandlet med homøopati

En ung kvinde kommer til mig og klager over stærke smerter i maven. Hun har haft smerterne det i flere år og hun har allerede været til lægen hvor hun har fået konstateret at hun har Helicobacter bakterien, derfor har hun fået antibiotika


Klinik for Klassisk Homøopati v/Klassisk Homøopat Maj-Britt Brusati
Lygten 2C, 3. sal, klinik 317
2400 København NV
Telephone: +45 28 13 65 54
E-mail: homeopat@brusati.dk
CVR nr.: 34 27 17 98
Monday-Thursday 8.30-17.00. Friday 8.30-14.00 by appointment

The clinic is located in bright and inviting premises centrally in Lygten in Nørrebro City Centre.

How to arrive: By car, free parking (2 hours) at Nørrebro Bycenter's car park.

Public transportation
he clinic is located 3 minutes walk from Nørrebro Station s-tog, Nørrebro st. Metro and bus lines: 12, 5C, 4A, 250S and 350S.


Klinik for Klassisk Homøopati v/Klassisk Homøopat Maj-Britt Brusati
Lygten 2C, 3. sal, klinik 317
2400 København NV

Telephone: +45 28 13 65 54
E-mail: homeopat@brusati.dk